About Us
Yes, we are talking about road striping. An industry that had its origins with the horseless carriage. Relative to other things in our lives, very little in this area has changed. Our goal is to bring a new vision and fire to an old industry. At American Striping Company we believe there is a better way to get this done! We are passionate about it, and our mission is to improve the quality and customer service in the pavement marking industry. To get this done, we focus on our people.

Our Founding
Our CEO, Alejandra Harvey was a hospital administrator in Denver, Colorado. She graduated Pre-Med from Virginia Tech and received a Masters in Hospital Administration from the Medical College of Virginia. She moved to Colorado from Virginia to complete her residency. Alejandra always had her eye however on starting something on her own, from the ground up. Her future partner, Andre Esprenger while looking for investment opportunities found a striping company in need. While that opportunity did not come to fruition, it lit a spark and soon thereafter Alejandra and Andre started American Striping Company in May of 2016 with two refurbished and refitted paint trucks and three employees. With a focus on quality and customer service, the young company grew from 3 to 56 employees and with revenue from $400,000 to $15.3M after year 4.

Our Mission
The mission of American Striping Company is to be Colorado’s leading provider of pavement markings and provide quality and efficiency beyond expectation.
We believe there is a better way to operate. We believe by providing better responsiveness to our customers we will not only give a greater product but we will improve safety which in turn helps our entire industry. But it all starts with core values by which we live every day both in the office and the field. These values were chosen by the employees themselves and are represented below.